VTU Question of the Year

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I was trying to cram and make sense out of the stuff I’m supposed to study for the sessionals tomorrow when I received this really funny message from my friend. Anyone who is studying under a university earlier affiliated to VTU which is now autonomous will definitely find this one good. Here goes…

VTU Question of the Year

1)2/10=0.2 but prove that 2/10=2.


The autonomous students wrote “Out of Syllabus”.Some of them probably cried whereas some went to whine and influence the lecturer who will correct the paper! smile_wink

But… the VTU students answered…

2=TWO          10=TEN

Therefore, TWO/TEN=WO/EN

But according to the order of English alphabets order, W=23|O=15|E=5|N=14

Hence, W+O=38  and E+N=19

So, 38/19=2!!!!!! Hence Proved!

Proud and relieved to be studying under VTU and not under the institution’s autonomy. If you have more time to waste you can also read on how easily autonomy can make you a 9 point someone here.

Ok got go now and break my head again!!Au revoire..until we meet again…


Unknown said...

tell something good about vtu

Ni said...

this was just supposed to be funny..But on a serious note, the only good thing about VTU is that they make us slog so hard that it rightly corroborates the saying "A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner". Otherwise the fact that i'm waiting since a year to get my answer script photocopy makes me wonder how it really is.

The Vitruvian Boy said...

he he....
I didnt pass out from VTU but yes mine was an autonomous one too....

Vikram said...

nerd joke!

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