
Sunday, October 26, 2008

The last 3 days were quite eventful and hectic. An apparently controversial blog post's feedback and sessionals had engulfed my entire time slice. As for the sessionals, I've no idea why I even wrote Client Server computing...Lets see how much marks does one hour of study fetch me. My hopes are anyways pinned on the third sessionals for this course. Another important stuff I realized was freedom of speech and expression should be underused and that criticism should always be sugarcoated if you want to live your life in peace :)

Anyways got to run. Since it's Diwali tomorrow, there's mega sale going on at every imaginable place...what a jackpot for a window shopper like me! If there's one thing I can't resist, it's a good bargain.

Until then Au revoire.....and HAPPY DIWALI to all!


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