Trip down the memory lane...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Today I am feeling particularly reminiscent about my Pre University College days at St. Aloysius. What days were those! In our entire year across all streams, there were only 3 students from Sharada Vidyalaya and I was the only one in my class. And the craziest and boldest thing I ever did in my life was stand for the Class Representative elections on the very first day of college without knowing a single soul in class (I don't know what thought process resulted in that action)!!!I was so terrified!!!!!Nevertheless I did win, which was a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing was that it helped me break the ice with several people in class of 100 odd students and the bad thing was, well... many of them though that I think am too smart and the little-miss-perfect kind of girl and whole lot of stuff like that! Anyways the latter part did trouble to some extent it was very trivial considering all the other moments we had in college!
More... Aloysius is always abuzz with activities, I think we used to celebrate literally every public holiday with competitions and functions...preparing the entire class for such competitions was the best part..What a class we had.. a real versatile one!you name what you want, we had someone from our class who would do it exceptionally well! And I used to be so naughty back then that people who've now seen me in engineering would say like "What a contrast!".

For starters, I could never sit still or quiet in a single class and if you're surrounded by awesome friends with amazing sense of humor, you would know what it's like to giggle and stifle your laughter for two continuous hours! In Zoology classes, I used to be some sort of a reference point...After getting caught talking incessantly once I decided that I'd follow silence is golden but people around me kept getting yelled for talking being referred as the girl next to me or the guy behind me. It was as good someone using you as a reference for screaming. And how could I forget Hindi Classes. I always used to sleep in the second but last bench and my two friends around me would pull long faces and explain to our teacher what horrible headache I am having 'cause of sinusitis and she would always nod sympathetically and let me sleep!

Every PreUnique, we all used to gather(usually Me, Sanam, Mridula, Rajat, Ramsey, Pramitha, Varun, Sunil) and round up a couple of tired, harassed volunteers and head to the coffee day nearby...We literally used to live there...after every function we would hit that place and either celebrate our victory or drown our sorrows over there. Especially the Variety Entertainment 2005 Competition. It was such a freaking disaster but I must admit that the one's who were the part of it certainly managed to smile the latter half of the day, all thanks to Nikhil, our equally grief stricken emcee who gave us a lot of aftermath disaster pep talks when all of us were sprawled like half dead people near the pretorium with our heads buried in our hands!!!We then finally drowned the disaster Cafe Coffee Day over several mugs of coffee, iced tea and sandwiches! And Cafe Coffee Day will definitely not forget Rajat (you can follow his blog from mine at the right hand side corner) for pepping their newspapers up with funny thought bubbles and dialogs!

And can I forget the uproar we had in class with invisible ink. I managed to invoke my best friend, Sanam's curiosity by talking about some special ink so much that she started imploring me to show it to her. I just took the pen and jerked it at her white dress spraying ink all over! A usually calm person that she is, she just stared at me for good 10 minutes thinking how to react!!!!Luckily I told her just in time that it was invisible ink else I don't know what things would've been thrown at me! The Creative Directors of our class Rajat & Ramsey would shoot candid videos of different lecturers yelling in class...even the dean!

On the contrary, most of them believe that science students tend to be more disciplined and all that but mind you, every rule has an exception. And what exceptions were we! For instance, hardly any of us completed biology records during the Christmas break thinking that, "It's literally impossible to complete so much in 15 days!!!". But after a fatal final deadline was issued, the whole record got completed in two days with some people like Rajat taking just a couple of hours! Talking about bio lab, I clearly remember the time we ended up having a thermocol war in the lab during the making of a plasma membrane model and well...we landed ourselves in detention: 1 hour of service to lab which comprised getting rid of the mess we made and scrubbing the hardened plaster of Paris off atleast 25 miserable trays i guess!

It was really hard to say goodbye. In contrast to Nitte, at Aloysius we learnt real independence and dealt successfully with the responsibility that comes at the price of independence and freedom. Of course, not all of them made the right choice but most of us did. Every tear and a smile had a lesson to teach! These were the most beautiful moments we friends have shared together and how happily we reminisce every time we have a reunion!

That was it. Thanks for your patience if you managed to reach to this line. I made it as concise as possible! :)

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sanam said...

Now this one brought a smile to my face..we really had an amazing time in aloy.. hope u remember about the time we planned 2 make a stink bomb during chem lab..n of course our creation( actually rajat n ramsey's) in ccd.....'stink deadly'!!!

Rajataditya R K said...

hell...those were the days...i had a big big smile all through the post...

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