Typecasting: What type am I???

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Times Life dated 18 January 2009 had this article about typecasting. According to psychologists, we all belong to one of the following types:

  • Obsessive compulsive
  • Dependent
  • Histrionic
  • Narcissistic
  • Borderline Personality
  • Avoidant personality

These set of questions among the 6 set of questions, each for one personality type, sealed my personality type,


  1. Do you find it difficult to delegate work to others?-  Yes, big time. My biggest cause for worry is that what if it gets messed up? I’m very very particular.
  2. Are you a workaholic?Umm..I guess I am. I can’t rest until the work is done with. Until then I’ll be restless and busy with it.
  3. Are you a perfectionist?-  Yes.Totally! And unbearably when it comes to writing formal letters or dealing with some project or presentation especially. I also take a very long time to slice vegetables ‘cause I want them to be perfectly and equally cut! My fate is sealed!!!
  4. Do you feel recreational activities are a waste of time?- No way! This kind of stuff keeps me going. I love recreation! In fact I wish I was Garfield…then I could eat, sleep and watch TV all the time without feeling like a waste!
  5. Are you rigid about morals and values?-  I stick to what I believe. I don’t enforce stuff on others. Debatable topics like live-in relationships, one night stands et all are not for me but for whom it is, I don’t judge them. Live and let live. Peace. So the answer to this one is- Not really!

Yes! So I have a 3/5 so I’m confirmed obsessive compulsive personality type! So this is what it had to say about positives and negatives…

  • POSITIVE I : Over achievers
  • NEGATIVE I : Disturbed family life, prone to physical ailments, easily stressed

But, the types mentioned are too stringent, too classifying I felt. I personally feel that human behavior is very diverse to typecast this way actually. Everything in life is not black and white, they are countless, incredible shades of grey too. What if someone gets 2 questions right from each set? At any rate, if you haven’t had a look at that article, go for it and determine your type. If not for anything, atleast for a good laugh! And for those who did, what type were you? Do you think it matched you correctly?


Yan said...

Ok.... typecasting...!! Another word for stereotyping? Ummm.... yups, humans are complex, situations are complex and so is our life. I got 0/5 unfortunately, but I do not believe that personal characteristics could be described by asking a set of questions and giving two options (of YES or NO). Life isn't a multiple choice question, is it?

Ni said...

Exactly....we're too a complex species to classify rigidly

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